Tuesday 11 June 2019


In Whenua we learnt how to use Google MyMaps to locate landmarks that we saw while we were on camp in Wellington. For each landmark we found we had to name it, write something about it and find an image of it so that the pin on our map had information on it. You can see our finished maps on our individual blogs. Have you ever used MyMaps to locate places in your community?


  1. Hello Paroa School this is Ema and Victoria from Edmund Hillary School. You guys are AMAZING!You guys absolutely know how to use google maps. I got no heads up and questions for you.

  2. Kia ora Paroa School this is Ellakaye and Nese from Edmund Hillary School. We really enjoyed how interesting your post was. We have no questions or head ups for you.

  3. Tena Koe Paroa School, This is Ruqayat from Edmund Hillary School. I really love your map, it was very interesting to look at. I have only one question , did you make this map yourself.

  4. kia ora
    Hi, this Neha from Edmund Hillary School.I like your map of New Zealand.It was really interesting.I also found my school on it.Today i have no questions but i really enjoyed finding my school

  5. Hey this is Ila and my buddy Nathan from Edmund Hillary School.
    We like how you guys use my maps. we like to know how did you guys do this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Kia ora
    Hi, this Neha from Edmund Hillary School.I like your map of the world.I even found things that I didn't know about.Today I have no questions.But I really enjoyed finding things out

  8. Kia ora Paroa School, this is Soloia and Emora from Edmund Hillary School. We love your world map. It was very...informing that world map of yours. Maybe next time you could add just a tiny more information, other than that good job!

  9. Hi my name is karson and I am from Edmund Hillary School and It's nice to know were New Zealadn is in the world map and how big it is to the otehr countrys

  10. Kia ora this is Viena from Edmund Hillary school.
    I saw the map on NZ on your blog and I was wondering why did you put that map on your blog?


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