Tuesday 26 March 2019

Last Thursday we had two visitors come to school, Julian and Milly Read.  Jay (Julian) is Mrs Read's Brother in-law. What was so special about these two people were, they have just arrived in New Zealand from cycling all the way from London. They left in March 2018 and arrived in New Zealand just a few weeks ago.They visited 24 different countries and have cycled 15000 kms. We asked loads of questions about their trip like what challenges they were faced with, how many haircuts did they have, what animals did you see, what type of food did you eat and what the most scariest moment was etc. If you want to find out more about what and where they are click on this link http://readcycleread.bike/ .


  1. Kia ora,
    My name is Mahara and I come from Edmund Hillary School. My question for you is what does read cycle read mean?

    1. Kia ora Mahara, their surname is Read and I guess its a play on title so you read cycle read. I hope this makes sense. ;)

  2. Tena koe, this is Ellakaye from Edmund Hillary School.I like how you describe and said a short story about the people who visited.My question is how long have the two visitors been doing readcycleread?

    1. Tena koe Ellakaye. I am glad you like the description. The Whenua students and I sat down wrote it together. No to answer your question, it has taken Jay and Milly just over a year to complete. They are now finally home in Wellington.

  3. Talofa Lava this is Aysha and Veina from Edmund Hillary school. We love how it seemed so excited for you to meet Julian and Milly the bikers that travelled to twenty four different countries and biked 15000 kms. Our question for you is how excited were you?

    1. Well Aysha, I was pretty excited has I haven't seen my brother and sister in-law for a couple of years. I was just excited about them visiting our school too. The students of Paroa were also excited and asked lots of big questions. They also liked checking out their bikes.

  4. Malo le lei this is Ema and Victoria from Edmund Hillary School. You guys are so lucky to have a opportunity to visit Julian and Milly. I bet you guys had so much fun with them. We were wondering if you guys enjoyed half of the day with them?

  5. Kia ora, this is Soloia and Viena from Edmund Hillary School. We love how everyone is listening and folding there are but one question, who is that in front of then assembly?

  6. That was Julian and Milly sharing their adventures of their cycling journey.

  7. Tena koe, this is Emora from Edmund Hillary School. I like how you guys had so much fun and wish I was there. I don't really have a question and you don't need to fix anything so enjoy the rest of your week!

  8. Malo le lei this is Emora from Edmund Hillary School. I like how much fun you guys had and I wish I was there. I don't really have a question and you don't need to fix anything, so enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. Tena koe, this is Ruqayat from Edmund Hillary School. I like how you guys are all sitting down and listening , you look like you must be having so much fun.My question is what does readcycleread mean?


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